Beauty & the Beast

In brief: ‘Beast’ try to tag ‘Beauty’ while the 2 ‘guides’ protecting her.

Intensity: High

Introduction: A high-energy tag game and a fun workout activity. Participants have found even a 5-minute game quite tiring.

Prop(s): None

How to play:

  • Get all the participants to form groups of 4.
  • Within each group, choose one member to be the ‘Beauty’ and one to be the ‘Beast’. The rest are the ‘Guards’.
  • The ‘Beauty’ and the ‘Guards’ will join hands to form a circle.
  • The ‘Beast’ will be standing outside the circle. (See picture)beauty-the-beast-1500pix
  • The objective is for the ‘Beast’ to tag the ‘Beauty’ by touching his/her shoulder.
  • The role of the ‘Guards’ are to protect the ‘Beauty’ from being tagged.
  • Swap roles after a while or after the ‘Beauty’ has been tagged.


  • Avoid rough ground.
  • Tagging should only be done at shoulder.


  1. If there are extra participants, some teams may have 5 members. This team will have 3 ‘Guards’ instead of 2. This also makes the game more challenging.
  2. This is not so much a variation of the gameplay, but a variation of the name of the game. If you have an all-guy group, and they are touchy about being asked to be a “Beauty”, you may introduce the game as “The King and the Assassin”. Now suddently, this becomes a “manly” game.
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