
In brief: Players form 4 teams, stand around facilitator and keep to the orientation after the facilitator has moved.

Intensity: High

Introduction: Need the participants to do some running for a warm-up? Try this.

Prop(s): None

How to play:

  • Divide the group into 4 teams (ideally with 4-8 members in a team).
  • The members of each team will hold hands to form a chain.
  • The teams will form a square around you with each team being one side of the square (see picture).square-hold-hands-1500pix
  • Everyone must be facing the you.
  • When you turn to your right or left, the teams must shift their position so that they maintain their original position relative to you (i.e. the team that was on your right must always be on your right, the team that was in front of you must stay in front of you etc, no matter which way you turn) and squat down.
  • The first team to achieve this wins.


  • Avoid rough ground.


You may also run around (i.e. out of the square boundary) and make the players run after you.

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