In brief: First ‘B’ word, stand; next ‘B’ word sit. Continue reading My Bonnie
Category Archives: Fillers
Chi Ku Pa!
In brief: ‘Chi’ is scissors; ‘Ku’ is rock; ‘Pa’ is paper. Continue reading Chi Ku Pa!
Dum Dum Lay
In brief: Try to catch other’s finger and preventing own finger being caught. Continue reading Dum Dum Lay
In brief: Number with 7 or divisible by 7, say “Up!” Continue reading 7-Up®
Bang Bang I Surrender
In brief: “Bang!” (point finger); “Bang!” (point finger); “I Surrender!” (Trio raise hands). Continue reading Bang Bang I Surrender
Quick Draw
In brief: In pairs, first person to add up all fingers wins. Continue reading Quick Draw
Strange Story-Telling
In brief: Each person in a circle say 1 word/1 phrase of a story. Continue reading Strange Story-Telling
Dum Dili Do
In brief: “Dum Dili Do; Do Dili Dum; Dum Dili Dili Dili Do Dili Dum.” Continue reading Dum Dili Do
The Death Stare
In brief: Look down and look up; pair who stare at each other scream and is out of game. Continue reading The Death Stare
Stop Moving
In brief: Choose 2 persons as markers, then form triangle, inline or in between them. Continue reading Stop Moving