In brief: Whole group massaging one another on the back. Continue reading Massage
Category Archives: Stretches
Human Windmill
In brief: 2 partners stand back-to-back linked hands, to perform cyclical movement. Continue reading Human Windmill
Finger Fencing
In brief: 2 partners trying to tag each other while in the fencing position, with index fingers outreached. Continue reading Finger Fencing
Buddy Move
In brief: 2 partners to stand opposite each other, palms placed against palm. Each partner tries to get the other person to move the leg(s). Continue reading Buddy Move
Buddy Stand
In brief: 2 persons to get from sitting position to standing position by using each other weight as counter balance. Continue reading Buddy Stand
Buddy Stretch
In brief: 2 persons sit opposite each other, link hand and pull partner to stretch the back. Continue reading Buddy Stretch