In brief: To figure who is the character by asking ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions.
Intensity: Low
Introduction: Let’s go hound the trainer and see who he is thinking of.
Prop(s): None
How to play:
- You will think of a character.
- This character could be real or fictional, alive or dead, but should be someone well-known enough for the group to guess.
- The group will then have to guess who the character is by asking some closed-ended questions (questions which should only be answered by ‘yes’ a ’no’).
- Anyone who thinks he/she knows who the character is can make a guess.
- Each person is allowed only one chance to guess the identity of the character. This is to avoid wild guesses.
- Take turns to think of new characters.
- Anyone who obtained a “no” for his/her question cannot ask further questions. It is then left up to the rest of the group to continue asking to figure out who the character is.
- See Prop-Less Games: Who Am I for variation.
Notes to the Facilitator: In Propless Games 1, the original title is Who Is It? Since I have combined it with the Who Am I from Prop-Less Games 1, I have decided to use the latter as the title as well.