In brief: To figure out the ‘thing’ by slowly revealing 1 word at a time associated with the ‘thing’.
Intensity: Low
Introduction: Loooooook into the crystal ball and see what I see …
Prop(s): None
How to play:
- One person, the chosen ‘it’, starts the game by thinking of a word.
- He/she will then start giving hints about the word, one at a time, by saying words associated with it, e.g. if the word is ‘kitchen’, the hints can be ‘sink’, ‘fridge’, ‘basin’, ‘cabinet’, etc.
- The first person to guess the word correctly wins.
- The game continues with another participant taking a turn to be the ‘it’.
- Some other examples:
- ‘van’ – ‘engine’, ‘company’, ‘wheels’, ‘goods’ …
- ‘clothes’ – ‘button’, ‘shirts’, ‘pants’, ‘tie’, ‘shorts’, ‘singlet’ …
- ‘fountain’ – ‘water’, ‘pour’, ‘music’, ‘flowing’, ‘bubbles’ …
- ‘flag’ – ‘country’, ‘symbol’, ‘cloth’, ‘pole’, ‘United Nations’ …
- ‘house’ – ‘building’, ‘home’, ‘family’, ‘roof’ …
- ‘bed’ – ‘pillow’, ‘sleep’, ‘mattress’, ‘sheets’ …
- To avoid wild guesses, give every participant one or two guesses, after which he/she is banned from guessing.