
In brief: To decide how many fingers are being shown.

Intensity: Low

Introduction: See if you can solve this brain-teaser without checking the answer.

Prop(s): None

How to play:

  • Stretch out both hands.
  • Show three outstretched fingers
  • Ask the question, “How many fingers are there?”
  • The answer should be five.
  • Change the number of outstretched fingers to six and ask again, “How many fingers am I showing now?”
  • The answer should be seven.fingers

Notes to the Facilitator:

Answer: The answer lies in the number of words in your question. If there are five words, the answer is five. Some other ways you can ask the questions are:

  • “How many fingers am I showing?” – 6
  • “How many?” – 2
  • “What about this?” – 3
  • “Now?” – 1
  • “Look carefully, how many fingers are there?” – 7
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